
Read about the fantastic experience you can get by volunteering with us at Let’s Keep Talking…

We have a pool of fantastic volunteers, many of whom have been offering their time free of charge to Let’s Keep Talking since the beginning of the pandemic! Even though they may have now returned to their “day jobs” and have less spare time than they did during those early days of lockdown and furlough, they stick with Let’s Keep Talking for many of the same reasons that made them want to come and work with is in the first place… because of the fantastic experience that we can offer.

When we say “experience”, we mean both that working with Let’s Keep Talking clients (and meeting other volunteers online for regular peer supervision and discussion groups) is an uplifting and eye-opening experience in its own right, and also that the work you do with us can be an invaluable way to accumulate the hours of therapy practice that you might need to work towards professional accreditation or to apply for a job or training programme. Let’s Keep Talking also gives you the opportunity to have supervision with a Clinical Psychologist (Dr Suzi Curtis, service manager), which is often an essential requirement for applying for NHS Assistant Psychologist posts, or places on the extremely competitive Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

So… whether it’s just the joy of using your therapy skills to help those most in need, and sharing this joy with like-minded others, or whether it’s a more practical need you have for a specific type of experience, volunteering for Let’s Keep Talking could be just what you need!